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We use a small Husband and Wife USDA custom processor and dry age our beef for 14 days minimum.

There are many options available on request.

We try to keep a inventory of value added products such as all beef hotdogs, kielbasa, bone broth and beef jerky but supplies are limited and based on consumer demand but all can be requested or special orders are available but minimum quantities may apply.

Additionally upon request we offer whole or half sub-primals.

These are great for larger barbecues or for anyone interested in dry aging at home.

We have used and recommend UMAI dry aging bags that require no special equipment and can be uses in a standard home consumer refrigerator. If you never had a 35-45 day dry aged rib steak I would recommend it for the ultimate epicurean experience.

Also see our Super Premium page and watch the videos for Rules Famous and Farm for Feast

If you have never dry aged before I would recommend watching some YouTube videos before getting started.

There is a lot of great information on home dry aging.

"We take eating our beef as serious as we do growing it."

We are not just another seller at the farmers market.

We do everything First Class with the greatest attention to detail or we don't do it.

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