Welcome to our links page
Welcome to our links page
Here we share some of the links we believe will help you live a healthier life. They may not be for everyone but they have helped us. We have no affiliation with any of them but believe they have been helpful in helping us live better. They are by independent thinkers offering a different point of view without their opinions being influenced by the companies trying to sell you something. They are not advice but offered to help you do your own research and make up your own mind. aka food for thought.
Failures of Medicine
Bone Broth and Benefits
Chemical farming and loss of human health
Lipivore, what is fat for ?
Decode what your really getting when you shop at grocery stores.
Talks about diet, fitness, and healing your body.
Dr William Davis 10 reasons to never eat wheat
Diana Rogers. Cow -vs- Kale
Diana Rogers. It's not the cow it's how.
Food industry Lies. Foods that are killing us.
Disease of civilization. Vegetable Seed Oils
Saturated fat won't kill you, but vegetable oil might.
10 ways to reduce or reverse heart disease
Independent thoughts. Ancestry Foundation
You cant trust food science health claims
GMOs: Engineering the Nature out of Humanity
Dr. Vandana Shiva, Soil Not Oil
Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food